BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About installation > Installation steps > Removing Kronodoc

Removing Kronodoc

The installation script creates in the installation directory (or if it is not writable, in the /tmp directory) an uninstallation script uninstallKronodoc Kronodoc. It can be used to remove everything that was written to disk during the installation procedure and stop the Web server that may be running.

# csh uninstallKronodoc
Are you sure you want to continue? yes
Proceeding to remove installation at /home/kronodoc/kd40/Kronodoc and /home/kronodoc/kd40/httpd
Installation at /home/kronodoc/kd40/Kronodoc and /home/kronodoc/kd40/httpd removed
# rm uninstallKronodoc

Please note that the uninstallation script is intended to clean up your system after an incomplete installation or when you are moving your data to another host. Therefore, it will not only remove the system files but also all projects and data hosted by the current installation of Kronodoc except tables and their contents in a database installation. If you want to delete the system but keep the data for another Kronodoc installation, move the project data elsewhere or make an archive copy of it in a safe place before running the uninstallation script.

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