BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About AutoLogon Server > Functionality description > Manual logon

Manual logon

Users who do not log on to their workstations through the same Active Directory than Kronodoc uses, if the workstation technical requirements or configurations are not met or if the automatic logon fails for some other reason, a manual logging in to Kronodoc is needed.

Once trying to access Kronodoc 5.0, the user receives the AD domain logon screen, Kronodoc logon screen or a combination of both (See the Figure 2: Domain login screen and Figure 3: Kronodoc login screen below)1 The amount of login screens displayed before logging into Kronodoc depends on whether the user is logged on to the Active Directory already and if the user has visited Kronodoc recently.. In the login screens the user needs to enter the username and password, then click OK.

Figure 2: Domain login screen

Figure 3: Kronodoc login screen

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