BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About AutoLogon Server > Functionality description > Automatic logon

Automatic logon

Autologon works only for the local intranet users. Such a user has logged on to the Active Directory domain with a workstation. The workstation has to have Windows XP (SP1) and Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1) or later installed. Note that also the local intranet properties have to be properly configured in the Internet Explorer (See section Client setupClient setup).

On Vista and Windows 7 the ntlm functionalities are usually disabled as default, so these need to be enabled before Autologon works (refer to Windows settings, or update registry settings HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa noLMHash = 0 & LmCompatibilityLevel = 1).

Once the user opens a web address that points to Kronodoc 5.0, information is received or any operation can be performed without manually logging on to Kronodoc Kronodoc.

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