BlueCielo ImandrA 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ImandrA > Deleting documents

Deleting documents

The Delete command removes a document from the ImandrA vault. Once deleted, the document can only be restored from backup by a system administrator.

To delete a document from the vault:

  1. In any one of the folders in which it appears, right-click the document to delete.
  2. Click Delete on the shortcut menu. The document is deleted.

Note    You must have Owner (unless the Delete privilege is disabled) or Admin access level to a document in order to delete it.

Note    The document will not be deleted if it is used in at least one transmittal that was created by the ImandrA Transmittal Manager and that transmittal has been sent. If you are a system administrator, you will be shown a warning prompt and given the option to delete the document anyway.

Related tasks

Viewing and editing properties with the Properties dialog

About the Remarks tab

Assigning access levels to documents

Reclaiming an offline revision

Creating records

Converting records into documents

Removing documents from a folder

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