BlueCielo ImandrA 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Exploring the ImandrA Desktop > Configuring the document list

Configuring the document list

By default, the contents of the selected folder are listed in the document list. Properties of the documents are displayed in columns in the list. The document list pane can also contain a list of the most recently used documents and a list of your checked-out documents.

Note    By default, the T column displays the icon registered in Windows for the document type of each document. The S column displays an icon representing the document’s current status, checked in or checked out, and whether the document has reference links.

The default columns that are visible in the list are configured by a system administrator. You can change the layout of the document list to suit your own preferences. The changes you make are saved when you close ImandrA. The changes you make will only be visible to you and not to others. You can add or remove columns, change column widths, and change the column sorting order.

Related tasks

Changing the row layout

Changing column widths

Changing column order

Adding a column

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