BlueCielo ImandrA 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ImandrA > Copying documents > Cloning documents

Cloning documents

Cloning a document involves creating a new, independent document using an existing document as its source. A cloned document has the same filename and content as its source document but differs from its source document in important respects:

To clone a document:

  1. Right-click the document to be cloned, point to Tools, and click Copy Document on the shortcut menu. The CopyDocument Wizard will appear similar to the following figure.

  1. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Copy Document options




Copies the document and its properties. If the source document has any external references, they are not copied.

Document With Relations

Copies the document and its properties. If the source document has any external references, the copied document will reference the same documents.

Record and Import file

Copies the document’s properties and prompts you to attach a different file than the one used by the source document. If you selected multiple source documents, you will be prompted to confirm the property values of each new document created. You can disable this prompting by disabling the Show Property Dialog option.

Record Only

Copies only the source document’s properties, allowing you to attach a file later with the Convert to Document command that can be found on the shortcut menu by right-clicking the clone document. For more information on working with records, see Converting records into documents.

Number of Copies

Choose the number of copies to create.

  1. Click Next to proceed. The CopyDocument Wizard (Step 2 of 3) page appears similar to the following figure.

  1. Click the Folder toolbutton to select a destination folder for the copied documents and then click Next. The CopyDocument Wizard (Step 3 of 3) page appears similar to the following figure.

  1. Confirm the information that is shown is correct and click Finish. The document is cloned using the options that you selected.

Related concepts

Copying documents

Related tasks

Copying a document with the Clipboard

Copying or moving documents with drag and drop

Copying documents out of the vault

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