Creating a transmittal

Creating a transmittal involves specifying the transmittal details and selecting the documents to be included with the transmittal. You may create a transmittal using the Add transmittal properties wizard as described in this topic or you may create a transmittal from within ImandrA as described in Creating a transmittal from within ImandrA Desktop.

To create a transmittal with the Add transmittal properties wizard:

  1. Click the icon. The Drafts view appears.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add transmittal properties wizard opens and the Project page appears.
  3. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Transmittal project properties
Option Description


The company to receive the transmittal. Fills the Contact and Address lists with corresponding values.


The person within the selected company to receive the transmittal.


The address of the selected company to receive the transmittal.

  1. Click Next. The information that you entered is shown in the summary pane and the General page appears.
  2. Select or enter information in the fields indicated by the icon. Fields without the icon are optional.

Tip    Use default values as described in Working with default values.

  1. Click Next. The information that you entered is shown in the summary pane and the Actions page appears.
  2. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table. Fields indicated by the icon are required. Fields without the icon are optional.
Transmittal actions options
Option Description


The purpose of sending the transmittal.

Receive notification

If enabled, you will receive a notification when the recipient has received the transmittal.


If enabled, the selected date is set as the deadline for the recipient to respond to the transmittal.


Optional remarks regarding the transmittal.

  1. Click Next. The information that you entered is shown in the summary pane and the Documents page appears. Depending on the value that you selected for Reason, the system may perform additional actions or you may be prompted to perform further actions.
  2. Select or enter options using the descriptions in the following table.
Transmittal documents options
Option Description

Number of copies

The number of copies of the selected document to include in the transmittal.


Select a value to show the documents that are assigned to the project in the Documents list.


For each document that you want to include in the transmittal, select a value from Number of copies and then double-click the row in Documents that represents the document. The document is selected and the value of Count is updated. You may also directly edit the value of Count. To select a different revision number, click the number in the Version column and then select a different number from the list that appears.


Limits the documents that are shown in the Documents list.

To add a filter:

  1. In an empty row, select values in the Property and Operator columns and then type a matching value in the Value column.

To perform Boolean operations on successive filters:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting successive rows and then click the And or Or button in the toolbar. The respective operator appears in the last column of the first selected row.

To delete a filter:

  1. Select the filter row and then click the Delete Selected Rows icon in the toolbar. The selected row is deleted.

To apply the current filters:

  1. Click Apply properties. The Documents list updates to show the results of applying the current filters.

Latest released documents only

If enabled, displays only approved documents in the Documents list.
  1. Click Next. The documents that you selected are shown in the summary pane and the Summary page appears.
  2. Verify that the information shown in the summary pane is correct. To use the same information for another transmittal immediately after completing this transmittal, select Repeat with new transmittal.
  3. To see what the completed transmittal will look like when printed, see Sending a transmittal.
  4. Click Finish. The new transmittal appears in the Drafts view.

Related concepts

Working with transmittals

Related tasks

Creating a transmittal from within ImandrA Desktop

Using the ImandrA Clipboard

Understanding document validation

Copying a transmittal

Changing a transmittal

Previewing a transmittal

Printing a transmittal

Sending a transmittal

Processing a sent transmittal

Viewing transmission information

Deleting a transmittal