BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About installing components on the web server > Installing the GCF Remote Access Web Service

Installing the GCF Remote Access Web Service

The GCF Remote Access Web Service is installed on a web server, which can be the Meridian Enterprise web server.

To install the GCF Remote Access Web Service for the first time:

Before you begin

It is important to run the setup program after performing the steps described in Installing the SharePoint processors.

  1. On the web server, locate and run the following setup program in the distribution package:

    <Setup>\SharePoint\GCF Remote Access Web Service\
  2. The Welcome page appears.
  3. Click Next. The Select Installation Address page appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
GCF Remote Access Web Service setup options
Option Description


Select the website to host the web service or accept the default. Click Disk Cost to view the impact of continuing installation on the available space of all connected drives.

Virtual directory

Type a name for the web service or accept the default.

Application Pool

Select an application pool or accept the default.
  1. Click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears.
  2. Click Next. The installation completes and the Installation Complete page appears.
  3. Click Close.

To manually create the GCF Remote Access Web Service, perform the following steps. To configure an upgraded installation, refer to the following topics.

  1. In IIS Manager on the Meridian Enterprise web server, create a virtual directory named GFCFRemoteWS in the Meridian Enterprise website (by default, the default website).
  2. Copy the files contained in the SharePoint\GCF Remote Access Web Service folder of the distribution package to the virtual directory.
  3. In IIS Manager, make the virtual directory an application.
  4. In the ASP.NET group, open Application Settings.
  5. Add the name and value pairs listed in the following table.
GCF Remote Access Web Service application settings






Path to the setting file described in Installing the SharePoint processors.



Root folder for HTTP upload from Meridian Enterprise as described in Configuring the SharePoint processors.

Note    This setting is only required if the transfer protocol for the SharePoint share that is selected when configuring the import and export processors is set to HTTP.

Alternatively, you can add the value pairs in the web.config file similar to the following example:

  <add key="IniFile" value="C:\GCF\Processors\SharePoint.ini" />
  <add key="UploadFolder" value="C:\GCF\In" /

Related concepts

About installing components on the web server

Related information

Understanding the system requirements

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