The GCF/Project Portal distribution package includes Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) packages for the GCF/Project Portal processors, vault extensions, and the GCF Remote Access Web Service. To install a package with the default options, double-click the file to open it with the Windows Installer program. The program will present an installation wizard for manually choosing available installation options.
If you want to install a package on many computers with Active Directory or another automated deployment method, run the Windows Installer program in a command window with the optional command-line arguments and switches to specify the installation options you need.
The command-line arguments supported by the GCF/Project Portal installation packages are listed in the following table:
The Windows Installer program’s command-line options can be used together with the installation package command-line arguments to further control the installation, such as for visibility, restart, logging, and repair options. Refer to the Windows Installer help (msiexec /help or /?) for the command-line options that are supported.
Note The installer options and the package command-line arguments (from the preceding table) must be followed by the display options, restart options, and log options for the installation to work.
Following are examples of typical command-line installations run in passive (progress bar only) mode.
To install the Meridian Enterprise extensions:
msiexec /i "Package-X86.msi" /passive
To install the GCF/Project Portal processors:
msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCF.msi" TARGETDIR="D:\GCF" SHARENAME="Meridian" GCFVAULT="MyVault" EDMSERVER="MyServer" /passive
To install the GCF/Project Portal processors:
msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCFProjectPortal.msi" TARGETDIR="D:\GCF" SHARENAME="Meridian" GCFVAULT="MyVault" EDMSERVER="MyServer" SQLDB="GCFSQL" SQLSERVER="MySQLServer" PPSHARENAME="ContractorPortal" /passive
To install the GCF Remote Access Web Service:
msiexec /i "BCMeridianGCFSPRemoteWS.msi" TARGETAPPPOOL="DefaultAppPool" TARGETSITE="/LM/W3SVC/1" TARGETVDIR="GCFRemoteWS" /passive