You are here: About configuring GCF/Project Portal > Initiating transfer to Project Portal

Initiating transfer to Project Portal

By default, only two GCF commands will initiate document transfer to Project Portal: Enlist and Distribute Now.

We recommend that you use cross-site workflow to initiate transfers to Project Portal for the editing of documents (using the Transfer Ownership command). We also recommend that you create a dedicated Meridian Enterprise user account and advise the users to route documents to that person in order to transfer their ownership to the Project Portal share. An example implementation follows.

Assuming that you have created a Meridian Enterprise user named ContractorPortalUser for this purpose and assuming that your Project Portal share name is ContractorPortal, implement the InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow similar to the following:

Const PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME = "ContractorPortalUser"
Const PROJECT_PORTAL_USER = "ContractorPortal"
Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails)
    InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = ""
    If IsArray(Person) Then Exit Function
    If Ucase(Person) = Ucase(PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME) Then
        InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = PROJECT_PORTAL_SHARENAME
    End If
End Function

For information about configuring cross-site workflow, see the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide.

You can also initiate transfer on other events by customizing the vault script with the VBScript functions InitiateTransferToPortal and EnlistPortal that are described in the BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework Administrator's Guide..

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About configuring GCF/Project Portal

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