You are here: About configuring GCF/Project Portal > Creating the table query

Creating the table query

GCF/Project Portal uses a table in the SQL Server database to store the locations of collaborating GCF/Project Portal sites. You must create a query in Meridian Enterprise for this table manually.

To create the table query:

  1. Open Meridian Enterprise Configurator with the vault that will collaborate with GCF.
  2. Expand Tables and Queries in the configuration tree to display the existing tables and queries.
  3. On the Edit menu, select New Table or Query. The Select Data Source Type dialog box appears.

  4. Select Query and click OK. A new query is added to the configuration tree and its property pages appear in the right pane.

  5. On the General page, type a name for the query in Display Name. This name will not be visible to users. A default internal name is calculated in Name. Accept the default in most cases.

  6. Click the Query page to define the query. The query’s parameter options appear.

  7. Type a valid OLE DB connection string in Connection string or click the Connection String hyperlink to build a connection string. The Data Link Properties dialog box appears. For assistance in creating a connection, click the Help button.

    Note    The user name and password typed in the Data Link Properties dialog are not shown in the Connection string text box for increased security.

  8. Type WebProjects in the From text box.

  9. Click the Test button to preview the results, which will appear in the data grid.

  10. Click OK to save the query’s definition.

Note    If the SQL Server database does not reside on the Meridian Enterprise server, ensure that the account under which the BlueCielo EDM Server service runs can access that location. If necessary, change the BlueCielo EDM Server service account as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

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