Mapping Project Portal workflow to Meridian Enterprise workflow is done in both systems. The mapping in Project Portal is not configurable and occurs automatically based on information received from Meridian Enterprise during document synchronization. The workflow in Project Portal is controlled by Meridian Enterprise.
The mapping in Meridian Enterprise is controlled by VBScript in Meridian Enterprise. This is because of the variety and complexity of the possible workflows that can exist in the two systems and the business rules that can determine how the workflows should be matched under various circumstances. GCF/Project Portal assists you in this by synchronizing the workflow status information during document transfers so that your VBScript logic has the information that it needs to assign the correct workflow status in Meridian Enterprise.
The workflow status information is synchronized using the two built-in briefcase properties GCFKRONODOC_LIFECYCLE and GCFKRONODOC_KRONOSTATUS described in Mapping optional system properties. These properties can be mapped to two corresponding custom document properties that you create. The values of the properties are synchronized in both directions and are described in the following table:
To map workflows:
If documents should be released from their workflows in Meridian Enterprise after they are synchronized to Project Portal, add the following setting to the processor configuration file:
Function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow(Person, wfType, wfDetails)
InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow = ""
If Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") Then
Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") = False
Exit Function
End If
'The remainder of the existing function...
Sub BrcEvent_AfterImport(Batch, Briefcase, Action)
'Exit if this is not a GCF import
If Not Vault.Argument("IsGcf") Then Exit Sub
'Workflow status from Project Portal
Dim statusK: statusK = Document.GCFKronoStatus
'Workflow status from Meridian
Dim statusM
If Len(statusK) = 0 Then
Exit Sub 'Not valid
ElseIf statusK = "100" Or statusK = "90" Then 'Send to Contractor or In Work
statusM = "Draft"
ElseIf statusK = "110" Then 'For Approval
statusM = "Decision"
ElseIf statusK = "120" Then 'Released
statusM = "END"
Exit Sub 'Not supported
End If
' Unlock document if GCF locked it
Dim lockid: lockid = Document.Property("AMDocumentPropertySet._DOCLOCKID")
If Len(lockid) > 0 Then
SetLock ""
End If
If Action = AS_BRCIA_IMPORT Then
'New document is not in the required WF
'Migrate to target state
Document.Migrate "CWF1", statusM
If Document.CWFState.Name <> statusM Then
'Reroute will fire workflow events, so we have to skip execution
'of function InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow. Check the vault
'argument there
Vault.Argument("ProjectPortalSynWF") = True
Document.Reroute statusM , ""
End If
End If
' Lock document if GCF locked it
If Len(lockid) > 0 Then
SetLock lockid
End If
End Sub
Function SetLock(LockID)
Dim objGCFSupport
Set objGCFSupport = AMCreateObject("BlueCieloECM.GcfSupport", False)
SetLock = objGCFSupport.SetLockID(Document.ID, LockID)
Set objGCFSupport = Nothing
End Function
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