Appendix B: GCF privileges

All of the Global Collaboration Framework privileges can be found in the Global Collaboration group in the Roles and Privileges dialog in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. Most of the privileges control the availability of a command button on the Collaboration page in PowerUser.

GCF privileges
Privilege Description

Claim Ownership

Required to claim ownership from a remote vault with the Claim Ownership command.

Note    Having this privilege does not guarantee that ownership can be claimed; this depends on the business logic implemented in the remote share.


Required to distribute the latest document revision with the Distribute Now command.

Edit Locked Document

Required to edit a document that is not owned by the local site. Without this privilege, the Edit button on the property pages in Meridian Enterprise is disabled unless the document is owned by the local site.

Enlist Vault

Required to enlist a vault with the Enlist Vault command. Also required to share folders with Meridian Project Portal workspaces using the ProjectPortalExtension extension.

Get Latest Revision

Required to get the latest document revision with the Get command.

Lock Ownership

Required to manually lock the selected document to the local site with the Lock ownership option.

Manage Collaboration

Required to use the GCF Management property page.

Transfer Ownership

Required to initiate the transfer of document ownership to a remote vault with the Transfer Ownership command.

For more information about these commands, see theBlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework User's Guide.