You are here: Understanding GCF basic concepts

Understanding GCF basic concepts

The basic GCF terms used in this guide are described below to help you understand how to use the GCF with as little technical detail as possible.

Assume that a company has two Meridian Enterprise sites. The company's headquarters are located in Detroit where master (as-built) documents are kept. The company has an engineering group located in Liverpool. When the company needs to make engineering changes to documents that reside in Detroit, they share the documents with Liverpool.

Following are the steps that need to be performed to share the documents with the GCF:

  1. In Detroit, a manager enlists the Liverpool share for the documents that need to change.
  2. Copies of the documents are sent to the Liverpool site automatically by the GCF (including document ownership) at the next scheduled transfer. The original copies are now locked in Detroit and only the Liverpool copies can be changed. In Detroit, work on documents that have not been shared with Liverpool can continue.
  3. When the document copies are received in Liverpool, Meridian Enterprise workflows can be started for the documents to manage the engineering change process. The Liverpool users see the changes that they make to the copies now residing in Liverpool as usual. The Detroit users will see the changes whenever the Detroit copies are updated by the GCF.
  4. When the documents are released from the workflows in Liverpool, the latest copies (which can include new documents that are referenced by the shared copies) are sent back to Detroit (including document ownership) automatically by the GCF at the next scheduled transfer. The copies are now locked in Liverpool. When the updated copies are received in Detroit, they become new revisions of the copies there and are unlocked. At this point, both sites have copies of the same revisions of the shared documents.

These steps can be repeated as many times as necessary. This is a basic example of what can be done with the GCF. Variations, including updating Detroit with copies for review only, can be used. In the rest of this guide, all of the GCF commands and how to use them are described, including some real-life scenarios.

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