BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
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What's new in Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1
The following features were added:
- The GCF actions of copying to a briefcase and importing from a briefcase are now included in the Meridian FDA Module audit trail.
- The privilege Edit Locked Document has been added to prevent changes to documents that are not owned by the local site. Without this privilege, the Edit button on the property pages in the Meridian Enterprise client applications is disabled.
- Star topology support has been reinstated.
The following features were changed:
- The To-Do Person property of documents owned at remote sites now shows the name of the user instead of the name of the site. This enabled mobile workers to more easily transfer ownership to themselves at other sites.
- The VBScript function AllowCrossSiteWorkflow is now obsolete. Cross-site workflow is now always enabled.