BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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GCFInitiateTransfer function

Initiates a Global Collaboration Framework transfer for the selected document with the specified options.


Function GCFInitiateTransfer(DestinationShare, TransferOwnership, _
                             OnSchedule, Enlistment, EmailAddress, _
                             EmailText, FileName, [Options])
Name Description


The share name of the vault to which the document should be sent.


When True, ownership of locally owned documents will be transferred to the destination share.


When True, the transfer will be executed as part of the regular update schedule.


When True, the destination share will be enlisted for the document.


The address to which to send an email when the document has been imported to the destination share.


The message body to send when the document has been imported to the destination share. This text is not appended to text that is automatically calculated at the remote site by the GCFNotificationMessage function.


The name of the selected document. This name will be used to update the Transfers table.


Optional transfer parameter that will be used by the Meridian Enterprise export processor to control how the document will be added to the transfer briefcase:

The default is an empty string. The parameter can have the following possible values:

  • NOREFS: Do not include any referenced documents in the transfer operation.
  • NOCADREFS: Do not include documents with CAD-related references in the transfer operation.
  • NOCUSTOMREFS: Do not include documents with custom-defined references in the transfer operation.
  • NOCADPRESENTATION: Do not include Autodesk Inventor drawing and presentation files (*.idw and *.ipn) in the transfer operation.

Return value

When successful, returns True.


To initiate transfer upon a workflow transition, consider using InitiateTransferOwnershipOnWorkFlow function instead. To initiate transfer to a Meridian Project Portal workspace, use the NEW InitiateTransferToPortal function function instead.

Related concepts

Understanding email notification

Understanding document ownership

Understanding ownership transfers

Cross-site workflow implementation

Understanding claim ownership transfers

Understanding enlistment transfers

Related tasks

Configuring the general settings

Calculating import notification messages

Transferring ownership upon release

Related information

GCFEmails table

GCFNotificationMessage function

GCF privileges

InitiateTransfer function

RequestOwner function

EnlistTheSite function

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