BlueCieloMeridian Global Collaboration Framework2012 SP1Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
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What’s new in Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2009a SP1
The following features were added:
SharePoint Server site document libraries are supported as collaboration sites. For more information, see the BlueCielo Meridian GCF-SharePoint Administrator's Guide.
Support has been added for the Collaboration Status page when Work Isolation Mode is enabled. In that configuration, the Collaboration Status page is not shown for the initial revision of documents only and is shown once the document has been released for the first time.
A bug that resulted in pending LockID values not being set when transferring ownership in cross-site workflows has been fixed.
Export processors that encounter "Access denied" errors in work areas will now continue processing.
This release contains two folders:
GCF2009a-SP1.Update: Install these files to update an existing GCF installation
GCF2009aSP1.Setup: Install these files for new GCF installations