BlueCielo Meridian FDA Module 2018 Configuration Guide

Understanding the licenses

The FDA Module components request licenses from a BlueCielo license server.

The following licenses must be installed on the Meridian Enterprise license server:

  • FDA Module Server license (product code M--FDS): Required for vault configuration and activity auditing. One per Meridian Enterprise server.
  • FDA Module Client Extension license (product code M--FDE): Required for user authentication and electronic signatures. One per concurrent PowerUser user of those features.

The following licenses are required to create, show, and print electronic signatures (recommended):

  • BlueCielo Publisher for Meridian Enterprise license (product code M--PUS): for publishing to and from a BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise vault.

    Note    One Meridian Enterprise database connection license (Hypertrieve, SQL Server, or Oracle) is required for each Publisher computer.

  • BlueCielo Publisher eSignature rendering module license (product code M--PES) for applying watermarks, electronic signatures, and signature pages to renditions.

    Note    Other BlueCielo Publisher licenses may be required to render that documents to which electronic signatures are attached and to publish documents to system other than Meridian Enterprise. For descriptions of the available licenses, see the BlueCielo Publisher Administrator's Guide.

For information on installing these licenses, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.