Configuring a Meridian Enterprise Server cluster is very similar to configuring a single Meridian Enterprise Server computer except that some of the tasks are performed on all of the computers in the cluster.
To configure an Meridian Enterprise Server cluster:
Install Meridian Enterprise Server on each computer in the cluster as described in Installing Meridian Enterprise Server. Of the Publisher components, you may install only what will be used by that computer.
For example, on the rendering nodes, install only the components that are required for the jobs that will be processed by that node:
Create and configure all of the publishing jobs on the primary node that will be processed by any node in the cluster. In the source system options of the publishing job, in the Computer option, specify the name of the node where the job should be run. For more information about creating and editing publishing jobs, see Creating a publishing job.
Tip To dedicate one node to a specific vault, create a publishing job with only that vault as the source and assign the node to that job.