You are here: Working with comments > Working with comment attachments

NEW  Working with comment attachments

You may upload files from your PC to provide additional information for a discussion. The files are not imported into the repository or otherwise linked to the document that is the subject of the comment.

To attach a file to a comment:

  1. Add a comment to the discussion as described in NEW Adding and editing comments.
  2. Under the comment text box, click ATTACH. The Choose File to Upload dialog box appears.
  3. Navigate to and select the file that you want to upload and then click Open. A thumbnail and the filename of the attachment appear below your comment.

To remove a file that you attached:

To view a file attached to a discussion:

  1. View the discussion that has the file attached as described in NEW Viewing comments.
  2. Click the filename of the attachment that you want to view. The file is downloaded by your browser and you are prompted to open or save it.