You are here: What’s new in BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2014 SP1
What’s new in BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2014 SP1
The new features and improvements of Meridian Explorer include:
- User group memberships may now be exported to a file and imported to make synchronizing the groups between servers more convenient.
- A new DRAFT PRINT dialog box is shown during printing, in which separate options can be set for each document in a batch.
- Synchronization job validation can now be scheduled similar to indexing and thumbnail generation.
- BlueCielo license codes and authorization keys for all products can now be entered in the Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console and they will be registered in the BlueCielo license server to which the Meridian Enterprise Server server is connected.
- The visibility and appearance of the viewer window has been improved under certain conditions when the Enable preview option is enabled.
- A new button Full-text index has been added to the toolbar in the Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console on the repository Metadata page for convenience of rebuilding the index after changing the Text Search Indexed option of properties.
- Two new search commands References and Related object tags have been added to the Search ribbon and to the document shortcut menu. Each allows refining the search scope and the results are shown in a new window.
- The synchronization of documents that have references to deleted documents no longer fails and generates an error. The references are now ignored and synchronization proceeds without generating an error.
- A new setting StoreFeedbackRedlineOnRendition has been added to the WebConfigDto.dat file. This can be set to True to always store feedback page redlines with the rendition file of the document instead of the original file.
- When the repository shows only renditions, the file size that is shown is now that of the rendition file, not the source document.
- A new option Enable search on object tag name has been added to view definitions. If enabled, this adds a Object Tag Name field to the default search form and to the advanced search form. Users can type a name (supported by autocomplete) in the field or select one from the list. The search result will show only the documents that are related to the selected object tag.
This condition can be combined with other search criteria.
- The Chinese (standard Mandarin) language is now supported in the client application and in the Administration Console.
- The Show renditions only option has been changed to Display Content Option and now offers three options: Show rendition only, Show both - default native, and Show both - default rendition.
- Changes made to the Web server address property in Meridian Enterprise Administrator are now updated properly in the Web Access root property of the vault registration in Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console.
- The default path is set properly for the Stream root property of remote vault registrations in Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console.
- An issue with property values not being passed in the URL placeholder of an external page has been fixed.
- BlueCielo Publisher 2012 repository synchronization jobs with over 250 properties are now upgraded correctly.
- A REFRESH command has been added to the Users and Groups pages in Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console to show new changes made in Meridian Enterprise Administrator when the two systems have been integrated together.
- Background tasks that are terminated unexpectedly are now flagged as aborted after 30 minutes and do not generate error messages in the event log. Previously, the uncompleted tasks were retried and generated error messages in the event log.
- The Export to Excel command now provides an Include URL option. Users can select the URL type that is included in the output spreadsheet: property page, viewer, source file, or rendition.
- Search filters set in a navigation view are now reset properly when the user switches to a property-based view.
- A new setting DisableImpersonationForBCM has been added to the WebConfigDto.dat file. This can be set to True to disable impersonation as the end user for security delegation when Meridian Enterprise and Meridian Enterprise Server are installed on different computers. This prevents the Kerberos double hop problem.
- The default size of generated thumbnail images is now 300x200.
- Numerous improvements have been made to the iPad client app:
- This release of the application is compatible with older repositories and vice versa. User settings are also preserved during upgrades from a previous version.
- More description error messages are shown when logging on fails.
- Search results are now sorted alphabetically by the item name.
- This release is compatible with iOS 7 & 8. iOS 6 is no longer supported.
- The app ignores detail pages that have the Enable feedback functionality option enabled, which are meant for redlining and setting of change management properties in the Explorer client app for Windows.
- Users can attach new pictures and existing files to the comments for a document or asset if the Enable feedback comments option of the view is enabled.