BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Viewing the Publisher trace logs

Viewing the Publisher trace logs

When Dex.exe runs for any publishing job, it logs the results of every action that it takes to a log file. The log file can be useful for troubleshooting failed jobs or unexpected results.

To view the Publisher trace logs:

  1. In BlueCielo Application Manager, select BlueCielo Publisher 2012 in the configuration tree. The existing publishing jobs appear listed in the right pane.
  2. Click the button of the right pane. A Windows Explorer window opens to the Logs folder of the BlueCielo Application Manager. The folder contains the Publisher trace log files.
  3. Double-click a log file to open it and view the trace information.

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Configuring an Explorer Thumbnails job

Executing a publishing job

Monitoring a publishing job

Scheduling a single publishing job

Scheduling a batch file

Viewing publishing job history

Configuring email notification

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