BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About repositories > Initializing document synchronization properties

Initializing document synchronization properties

Initializing the synchronization properties of the documents in a vault sets the values of the properties in the ExplorerSynchronization property set, which determine how the documents will be synchronized with the repository. You might want to do this after first creating a repository so that the first synchronization that occurs will reflect the synchronization options that you have chosen. This can establish the initial set of documents to be synchronized with the repository, which you intend to maintain using VBScript event procedures that you create. You might also want to do this for an existing repository to reset the properties after changing the synchronization options. For information on setting publishing job synchronization options, see Configuring repository synchronization.

To manually initialize the ExplorerSynchronization properties:

  1. In the BlueCielo Application Manager, expand the name of the publishing job in the configuration tree that you want to configure.
  2. Select the Configuration branch in the configuration tree. The job's configuration pages appear in the right pane.
  3. Click the Synchronization tab. The Synchronization configuration page appears..
  4. Select Use Meridian properties and click Select documents for synchronization. The Select documents for synchronization dialog box appears. The Vault statistics group shows the vault's current synchronization status.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Option Description

Select a document collection

Select a shared dynamic collection to which to apply the settings shown below.

Location for document content

Specifies where to locate the document content for the repository. This option corresponds to the ExplorerSynchronization.ContentOption property.

Document revisions to include in the synchronization

Specifies which revisions of each document to synchronize with the repository. This option corresponds to the ExplorerSynchronization.RevisionOption property.

Action for documents deleted from the source vault

Specifies what to do with repository documents for which the corresponding source vault documents have been deleted. This option corresponds to the ExplorerSynchronization.DeleteOption property.

  1. Click Set the selected property for all documents in <SelectedCollection>. The Confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. Click OK. The Updating Document Properties dialog displays the progress of initializing the properties.
  3. Click Close.

The settings will take effect at the next synchronization.

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Configuring repository synchronization

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The ExplorerSynchronization property set

Creating a repository

Viewing synchronization status

Configuring a repository

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