BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Importing publishing jobs

Importing publishing jobs creates new jobs using the configuration information from jobs that were previously exported from the Publisher.

Importing publishing jobs can be useful for several reasons:

Note    Importing a publishing job with the same name as an existing job will create a duplicate job and will not update or overwrite the existing job.

To import a Publisher job:

  1. In the BlueCielo Application Manager configuration tree, BlueCielo Publisher 2012. The existing Publisher jobs appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the button of the right pane. The Open dialog box appears.
  3. Select an existing publishing jobs export file that you want to import and click Open. The Import dialog box appears listing the exported jobs that are contained in the selected file.
  4. Select the jobs that you want to import and click Import.
  5. The selected publishing jobs are imported and the BlueCielo Application Manager refreshes to show the new jobs.

Related concepts

About publishing jobs

Related tasks

Creating a publishing job

Exporting publishing jobs

Renaming a publishing job

Deleting a publishing job

Disabling a publishing job

Changing the job code of a publishing job

Configuring an Explorer Synchronization job

Configuring an Explorer Content Index job

Configuring an Explorer Thumbnails job

Executing a publishing job

Monitoring a publishing job

Scheduling a single publishing job

Scheduling a batch file

Viewing publishing job history

Configuring email notification

Viewing the Publisher trace logs

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