About rendering profiles
A rendering profile specifies to which format in the destination vault the source documents should be rendered before they are published. Each profile specifies a rendering module to use and contains a collection of settings that specify how the rendering module will process the source documents. A rendering profile creates one destination document for each source document. You may create any number of rendering profiles for different purposes. Rendering profiles are assigned to publishing jobs for processing. A publishing job can have any number of rendering profiles assigned to it to create multiple renditions of the source documents.
Note The output options that are available in a rendering module for a particular file format are not necessarily available for another file format. For information about the specific options that are available for a particular format, see the configuration topic for the rendering module in Creating and editing a rendering profile. We recommend that you discuss the technical specifications of your rendition requirements with your BlueCielo Partner or BlueCielo Technical Support in advance of implementing a rendering module.
Creating and editing rendering profiles are described in the following topics.