BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2018 Administrator's Guide

Understanding the AutoVue rendering module

The AutoVue rendering module uses the AutoVue Document Converter to render documents to the following output formats:

  • Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
  • CCITT Group 4 Fax (.gp4)
  • Tagged Image Format (.tif)
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) Renditions and redline comments are included in full-text searches.

Many file formats that are supported for viewing by Oracle AutoVue 2D Professional can be rendered, although not to every output format. A complete list of the supported file formats and their versions, user documentation, and additional technical documentation for AutoVue products can be found online at the Oracle web site.

Which source file formats are rendered to which output file format are listed in the Supported Software document for this release of the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise product suite. The module's configuration options are described in Configuring the AutoVue rendering module options.

The AutoVue rendering module requires the following software components that are installed by the Meridian Enterprise Server setup program:

  • Oracle AutoVue 2D Professional or Oracle AutoVue 3d Professional Advanced (requires optional licenses)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)

Note    In order to apply the correct paper sizes, the AutoVue Document Converter is set as the default printer during rendering if it is not set already.