You can configure watermark text to appear on hard copies made with the AutoVue Client/Server deployment viewer, similar to the following figure.
This can be useful to indicate unapproved drawings, expiration dates, time stamps, and so on. You can configure the following characteristics of watermarks:
The watermark options are set with VBScript in the DraftPrint_SetWaterMark event procedure. It is defined in the source vault configuration and is invoked immediately before printing occurs. For more information on customizing event procedures, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference.
Watermarks use the Client.Viewer.Watermark properties described in the following table. You do not have to use all of the properties, only the ones necessary to produce the results you want.
Following is an example event procedure that incorporates all of the watermark properties and produces a watermark and title similar to those in the preceding figure.
Sub DraftPrint_SetWaterMark()
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Angle = 45
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Font = "Arial"
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Size = 36
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.Text = "NOT FOR USE" & vbCrLf & "UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT"
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleFont = "Arial"
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleFontSize = 10
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleStyle = AS_WMTS_CENTRED Or AS_WMTS_HEADER
Client.Viewer.WaterMark.TitleText = "Printed by: " & User.FullName & " on: " & DateValue(Today)
End Sub
When watermark properties are processed by AutoVue, the following limitations apply: