Configuring the content source options

By default, the Meridian Enterprise Server reads the document content for viewing and downloading from the stream folders of the source Meridian Enterprise vault. This saves disk space and optimizes efficiency if the Meridian Enterprise application server and the Meridian Enterprise Server computer are co-located and there is a high bandwidth connection between them. If not, you can configure the Meridian Explorer repository to store a copy of the document content in its database when the repository is synchronized from the vault. This improves performance when there is not a high bandwidth connection between the servers.

Tip    You can tune the content synchronization task as described in Configuring the application options.

To configure the content source options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Repositories group, click Repositories. The All Repositories page appears and lists the existing Meridian Explorer repositories and Meridian Enterprise vaults.
  2. Double-click the name of the repository that you want to configure. The Overview page for the repository appears.
  3. In the menu, click MANAGEMENT TOOLS. The management tool s for the selected repository appear.
  4. In the DOCUMENT CONTENT group, for the Current mode item, click EDIT. The IMPORT CONTENT SETTINGS dialog box appears.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  6. Click UPDATE. The specified values appear in the CONTENT SOURCE group.
Content source options
Option Description

Store the document content in the repository database

Enable this option to store a copy of the document content in the repository database during each update. If disabled, the content is read from the source vault streams.

To copy the content immediately:

To schedule content import:

  1. In the CONTENT SOURCE group, for the Run or schedule this task item, click SCHEDULE. The SCHEDULE dialog box appears. This dialog box requires the same input as the Windows Task Scheduler.
  2. Configure the scheduled task to run when you require and then click SCHEDULE.The task is modified and will run on the configured schedule.

Note    In rare situations, copying the content into the repository database from the source vault stream folders might not meet your requirements. You can configure the repository to copy the content from an alternative file stream location as follows: