You are here: Appendix H: Solving common problems > Troubleshooting thumbnail image generation

Troubleshooting thumbnail image generation

Meridian Enterprise Server runs background tasks to generate thumbnail images.

The task processes each document as follows

  1. Copies the document content to the folder %TEMP%\BCTemp\
  2. Starts a separate process to generate the thumbnail image.
  3. Retrieves the result and store it in the database
  4. Removes the temporary file

To troubleshoot thumbnail image generation:

  1. Run the program BCSyncUtil.exe (64-bit only. Run BCSyncUtil32.exe for 32-bit) with the following arguments. By default, it resides in the folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Enterprise Server:

    BCSyncUtil.exe /THGen /InFile:"C:\Temp\MyTestFile" /OutFile:"C:\Temp\thumbnail.jpg" /Width:"400" /Height:"400"

    If thumbnail generation is working properly, the output file will contain an image of the input file.

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