You are here: About Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console > Creating links to other websites

Creating links to other websites

If you rely on other intranet or Internet websites, you can place links to those sites in the right sidebar for your convenience.

Before you begin

You must have the Application Administration permission to create links on the Administration Console page.

To create a link in the right column:

  1. Open the Meridian Explorer Administration Console.
  2. In the right sidebar, in the Other Options group, click CREATE NEW. The CREATE NEW dialog box appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Link options
Option Description


The text that will appear on the page.


The address of the site that you want to link to open.

  1. Click SAVE. The page refreshes to show the new link.

To delete a link on the page:

  1. Open the Meridian Explorer Administration Console.
  2. In the right sidebar, in the Other Options group, click the delete icon next to the link that you want to delete. The page refreshes to show the new link removed.

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About Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console