You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a publishing job > Configuring synchronization options

Configuring synchronization options

When a publishing job runs, Publisher imports documents from a source vault according to settings that are configured for the publishing job. These settings specify how each document is to be synchronized, including:

To configure the repository synchronization options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the BC Publisher group, click Jobs. The Publish Jobs page appears and lists the existing jobs.
  2. On the ALL or EXPLORER SYNCHRONIZATION page, double-click the name of the job that you want to configure. The job's configuration option pages appear.
  3. Click OPTIONS. The Options configuration page appears.
  4. In the BC EXPLORER group, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Meridian Explorer repository options
Option Description

Keep revision history

Publishes the prior revisions of documents in addition to the current revision.

Note    If the source vault setting Work Isolation Mode in Main area is set to On or On, read-only, only released revisions will be synchronized, including working copies of the user account under which the synchronization job runs.

Publish draft revision

If a document is under revision at the time that the job runs, the draft revision will be published to the repository.

Note    Changing this option is not detected by the VALIDATE SYNCHRONZIATION command described in Validating a synchronization job. To synchronize the draft revisions after changing this setting, make an insignificant property value change to the draft revisions. They will be synchronized properly by the next synchronization job.

Copy content to Explorer repository

Enable this option if any of the following or similar conditions apply:

  • Access between the Meridian Enterprise Server server and the Meridian Enterprise server is restricted.
  • Vault documents will be deleted after they are published to the repository, for example, if the Action for documents deleted from the source vault option below is set to Keep the document in repository.
  • The repository should contain all document data so as to be independent of the source vault.


  • This option requires that the Meridian Enterprise vault be registered as a repository in Meridian Enterprise Server. The Stream root option of the vault in Meridian Enterprise Server must also be specified correctly or errors will result.
  • If this option is enabled, we recommend that you also enable the Use file stream option of the destination repository as described in Creating a Meridian Explorer repository.

Allow automatic deletion

Deletes repository documents when the vault documents from which they were synchronized have been deleted. We recommend that this option be used with a collection in the Only publish documents from the specified collection option. The collection should contain only the documents that you want to synchronize and exclude the documents that should be deleted.


  • If this option is disabled, and the Copy content to Explorer repository option is enabled, the repository will contain the only copy of the documents and should be properly backed up to allow for data recovery.
  • In certain situations, some deleted vault documents might not be detected by an Meridian Explorer synchronization job. To delete the missed documents, we recommend that you run the Validate Synchronization command occasionally as described in Validating a synchronization job.

Enable separate options per document

By default, all documents from the Meridian Enterprise source vault are synchronized to the Enterprise Server repository according to the options that are set for the synchronization job.

If this option is enabled, some synchronization options can be controlled per document by setting property values of the documents. This option applies to the ExplorerSynchronization.ContentOption, ExplorerSynchronization.DeleteOption and ExplorerSynchronization.RevisionOption properties.

Typically the property value would be set by customized VBScript event procedures as demonstrated in the following VBScript example. For example, when certain workflow transitions or other events occur.

Note    The value of the ExplorerSynchronization.Modified property is ignored but it will be set to False when the document is processed correctly.

Enable Meridian script events

Causes the DocSync_Options, DocSync_Succeeded, and DocSync_Failed VBScript events to occur for the source documents before and after publishing. They can be used to update the publishing status properties in the source vault that are described for the Enable separate options per document option. For more information about the VBScript events, see About the source events.

Update display names

If the display names of properties and types in the source vault have changed, the names in the repository are synchronized with the changes.

Create properties

Creates a property definition in the destination repository for every source vault property.

Update indexes

Includes new documents in the indexes for faster searches.

Note    Search performance can be adversely affected by heavy loads on the server and result in time-out errors. If you want to schedule a synchronization job to run frequently (hourly, for example) during business hours or together with other jobs in a batch, we recommend that you disable this option and create a separate, dedicated indexing job to run only once daily outside of business hours as described in Configuring full-text indexing.

Create thumbnails

Imports Meridian Enterprise thumbnail images into the selected repository so that they can be viewed.

Collect dashboard statistics

Runs the stored procedure in the repository database that collects the information that is shown on the dashboard. The dashboard will appear empty until the data is collected. Because the data collection can be a resource-intensive process, we recommend that you enable this option for the last scheduled task of each day and during non-production hours.

For information about customizing the stored procedure and the dashboard layout, see Configuring the dashboard.

Only publish documents from the specified collection

To limit the synchronization to a specific set of vault documents, select an existing shared dynamic collection from the list. If the collection does not yet exist, you must first create it in Meridian Enterprise. To synchronize all documents in the source vault, leave this option empty.

Note    If the Include documents by reference option of the collection is enabled, referenced and referencing documents (even if they have changed) are synchronized only if the selected document has changed.


Use file extension of rendition

Assigns the file extension of the rendition to the published document.

Note    This option does not change the format of the document and viewers that use the file extension to detect the file format will fail to view the document.

  CONTENT group

Publish the source document

Enable this option if both files should be available in the destination repository.

Note    Users might not see any content for some documents depending on the current setting of the Display Content option described in Creating and editing repository views. Content might also not be available depending on whether a rendition exists in the source vault and whether the rendition is out of date because the source document has been modified.

Publish redlines

Enable this option synchronize the native document redlines and rendition redlines.

Note    If the Enable feedback functionality option is enabled for a detail page and redlines are edited using that page, the changes will be saved to the Meridian Enterprise vault.

Note    The Use options from Meridian document properties and Enable Meridian script events options determine how each Meridian Enterprise document will be synchronized to the Explorer repository. The effects of these options can be different for each document. Before processing a document, the corresponding properties of the Meridian Enterprise document (in the ExplorerSynchronization property set) are read. The Meridian Enterprise vault can optionally implement the VBScript method as described below. This method will be invoked before processing a document. It can be used to set the synchronization options. When the synchronization process does not find a valid value for one of the synchronization options, it will use the default values that are configured for the synchronization job.

  1. To configure the options in the NOTIFICATION group, see Configuring the notification options.
  2. Click SAVE.

If you want to override the options that you have set with vault event scripting under certain circumstances:

  1. Enabled the Use options from Meridian document properties option.
  2. Open the vault's event script block in Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
  3. Modify the functions as necessary to meet your requirements.

The following VBScript code is provided as examples that you can modify and use to meet your requirements.

' This function will set the 'ExplorerSynchronization' properties to
' enable synchronization for the document. 
' The values for 'revisionOption' 'deleteOption' and 'contentOption' 
' should be selected depending on the synchronization requirements. 
' They may also be different per document. 
' ' 
Sub SetExplorerSynchronizationOptions(revisionOption, deleteOption, _
                                      contentOption, modified) 

    ' Which revisions should be synchronized for this document... 
    '   0 = Synchronize all released revisions 
    '   1 = Synchronize the latest released revision 
    '   2 = Do Not synchronize this document 
    '   3 = Synchronize all revisions 
    '   4 = Synchronize the latest revision 
    Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.RevisionOption") = revisionOption 

    ' When should this document be deleted... 
    '   0 = Delete the document from the Explorer Repository when it no
    '       longer exists in the Meridian Vault. 
    '   1 = Do not delete the document from the Explorer Repository. 
    '   2 = Purge the document from Meridian after synchronizing it to
    '       the Explorer Repository.     
    Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.DeleteOption") = deleteOption 
    ' Where should the Explorer Repository keep content for this document... 
    '   0 = Copy the content to the Explorer Repository. 
    '   1 = Do not copy the content to explorer. Explorer will use the
    '       Meridian streams when the content is required.     
    '   2 = Copy only the rendition to the Explorer Repository. 
    '   4 = Do not copy the content to explorer. Explorer will use the
    '       Meridian streams when the rendition is required.     
    '   Using option 2 or 4 the native content of the documents will not
    '   be available in explorer. 
    Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.ContentOption") = contentOption 
    ' Set the 'Modified' property to indicate that this document should be
    ' synchronized to the Explorer Repository 
    Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.Modified") = modified 
    ' Reset the feedback properties. These will receive a new value during
    ' the synchronization process. 
    Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.Failed") = False     
    'Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.LastSynchronized") = Null 
End Sub 

Sub Synchronize2Explorer_AllReleasedRevisions() 
        Call SetExplorerSynchronizationOptions(0, 0, 0, True) 
End Sub 

Sub Synchronize2Explorer_LastedReleasedRevision() 
        Call SetExplorerSynchronizationOptions(1, 0, 0, True) 
End Sub 

' Call this Sub from the DocWorkflowEvent_TerminateChangeWFState event to
' synchronize documents as they are changed 
Sub MarkAsModified() 
        Document.Property("ExplorerSynchronization.Modified") = True 
End Sub 

Related tasks

Validating a synchronization job

The ExplorerSynchronization property set