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Upgrading a configuration database

Upgrading an existing BlueCielo Publisher and BlueCielo Explorer configuration database imports that data into new tables in the Meridian Enterprise Server configuration database.

The Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console provides an Upgrade command that will allow you to select the available configuration items that you want to import:

You may upgrade some of the items and repeat the command later to upgrade other items.


To upgrade a configuration database:

  1. Confirm that there is a verified backup of the existing configuration and repository databases.
  2. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click SETTINGS. The System Settings page appears.
  3. On the System Settings page, in the Upgrade group, click UPGRADE. The command will attempt to find old configuration data in the currently configured configuration database. If none is found, it will then look for the old database connection string in the Windows registry.

    If no configuration information was found, the UPGRADE dialog box will prompt you for a connection string to the old configuration database.

Upgrade options
Option Description


The database type where the existing configuration data resides.

Connection string

Type a valid connection string to connect to the configuration database.

  1. If any configuration information is found, the repositories and publishing jobs are listed. All repositories will be upgraded.
  2. Select the publishing jobs that you want to upgrade and click OK. A background task is started to import the old configuration data into new tables and you can continue working. When the task has completed an UPGRADE REPORT dialog box will appear and list the results of importing the old configuration data. If any items failed, make a note of the error messages and contact your BlueCielo Partner or BlueCielo Technical Support.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Review the imported items carefully. Some settings may require manual correction or reconfiguration as described in the following table and the corresponding references to topics in this guide.
Configuration review items
Items Description Reference

Publishing jobs

Property mappings, publishing job options, and watermarking settings might need to be adjusted for the new system. Also, if Publisher clustering was configured in the old environment, confirm that the computer names that are assigned to the jobs are valid in the new environment or assign the jobs to nodes in the new environment.

Configuring the mappings

Configuring the publishing options

Rendering profiles

The upgrade will create a rendering profile for each rendering module used by the upgraded publishing jobs. Typically, this will lead to multiple rendering profiles where some have an identical configuration. Because Meridian Enterprise Server rendering profiles can be shared by multiple publishing jobs, these duplicate profiles can be manually consolidated or removed and the remaining profiles can be used with multiple jobs.

Creating and editing a rendering profile

Deleting a rendering profile

Synchronization jobs

The Explorer synchronization jobs will require some manual configuration after the upgrade. Special attention is required for the property mapping and the job-specific options.

Note The values of the LastSynchronized time stamp property will be lost during the upgrade. The current time stamp is displayed on the detail page of the Meridian Enterprise source vault (available on the Repositories page). To avoid a full synchronization, the time stamp can be manually set to a recent date.

Configuring synchronization options

Configuring the mappings

The ExplorerSynchronization property set

Scheduled tasks

The Windows Task Scheduler is used to schedule the running of jobs. After the upgrade, these jobs will have to be reconfigured.

About publishing job scheduling
Explorer view security

BlueCielo Explorer 2015 does not use Windows groups for the security of the views. After upgrading, you will need to edit the views to configure the view security.

Typically, view security is used in combination with a filter to restrict access to information. In that case, there will be multiple views that only differ on the security settings. The new security model allows you to define security on the document level. This way, a single view can be used for user groups with access to different information.

Configuring view security
  1. (Optional) To purge the old configuration and repository data:
    1. Click DELETE.

Related concepts

Upgrading from previous versions of BlueCielo Publisher or BlueCielo Explorer