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Configuring a Meridian Enterprise application server

After the Publisher components have been installed during Meridian Enterprise setup, the vaults that will serve as source or destination systems must be configured.

To configure the Meridian Enterprise application server:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Administrator, click EDM Server in the left pane. The list of active vaults appears in the right pane.
  2. Select the vault that you want to configure in the right pane.
  3. On the Action menu, select Properties. The vault’s Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Advanced Features tab. The Advanced Features page appears.
  5. Select Enable BlueCielo Publisher extension.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.
  7. In Meridian Enterprise Administration Console, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Vault Settings. The vault's configuration pages appear.
  8. Click the BC Publisher tab. The Publisher configuration options appear.
  9. Click Edit. The page becomes editable.
  10. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Publisher vault configuration options
Option Description

BC Publisher web services address

Accept the default address created during installation or type the address where the Publisher web services are installed, for example, http://<ServerName>/BCEnterprise. Click Get Jobs to retrieve the names of the defined publishing jobs, page sizes, and pen settings filenames from the Meridian Enterprise Server computer.

Note    This address must be correct before documents can be published.

User name

The name of a user account with access to the Publisher web services. The user name may be specified with the domain name, if necessary (<DOMAIN>\<UserName>, for example). This name is necessary if users do not have access to the Publisher web services. If empty (the default), the connected user account is used. This option is also necessary if Publisher is installed on a separate computer from the Meridian Enterprise Web Access server and renditions must be updated by workflow transitions that are executed by web client users.


The password for the account specified in User Name.

Prevent duplicate registration

Ignores new publishing tasks for documents for which publishing tasks already exist in the queue.

Note    This option is not available if the Publisher database is hosted by an Oracle server.

If enabled, Fail the whole batch operation when any duplicate is found will cause the publishing job to be revoked if duplicate documents are detected within a batch submitted using the VBScript methods described in The MeridianQueue object methods.

Rendition job

Select the name of a publishing job to use to generate renditions in the vault.

Synchronize rendition lookup lists

Populates the Rendition Page Pen Table and Rendition Page Size lookup lists with values retrieved from the Meridian Enterprise Server computer. These and other lookup lists are created when the Publisher extension is installed with Meridian Enterprise. The lookup lists are described in the following table.

The rendition lookup lists provide values for the properties in the Rendition Properties property set and appear on the Rendition property page in the Meridian Enterprise client applications. The Rendition property page appears when the Use renditions option has been enabled for the vault in the Meridian Enterprise Administration Console. The lookup list values may be modified to meet specific requirements.

Rendition property set lookup lists
Name Description

Rendition Page Color

Color depths to render to: Color or Black and white.

Rendition Page Layout

Views available within the source documents to render.

Rendition Page Orientation

Orientations of the page to render to: Landscape or Portrait.

Rendition Page Pen Table

AutoVue pen settings filenames to apply to the renditions. Applicable only if the publishing job is configured to use the AutoVue rendering module. Filenames are those that are available on the computer. By default, they are installed at:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cyco Shared\AutoVue

For more information about configuring pen tables, see "Pen Settings" in the Oracle AutoVue Desktop Deployment Viewing Configuration Guide that can be downloaded from the Oracle website.

Rendition Page Size

Sizes of the pages to render to. Values are retrieved from the printing settings of the Meridian Enterprise Server computer when the PublishDocumentUIExtension extension is configured.
  1. Click OK to save your changes.
  2. Grant the privileges described in Security privilege descriptions to the Meridian Enterprise roles that you want to allow to use the command. For more information on granting security privileges, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.

Tip    In VBScript, use the User.HasPrivilege method with the Can Publish privilege to verify whether a user should be allowed to publish a particular document.

Related concepts

Understanding the BC Meridian system link

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NEW Exporting the configuration

NEW Importing a configuration

Related information

Publishing and rendering options

Security privilege descriptions