You are here: About repositories > Configuring a repository > Configuring default user preferences

Configuring default user preferences

Meridian Explorer users can configure their preferences for the options described in the BlueCielo Meridian Explorer User's Guide. The default settings are configurable by a system administrator.

To configure the default user preferences:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Repositories group, click Options. The User Defaults Options page appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Default user options
Option Description

Maximum number of items in expanded folder

Select a number from the list. Meridian Explorer users can view additional items by using the page controls at the bottom of the results list.

Maximum number of values in list

Select a number from the list. Meridian Explorer users can view the items in excess of this number by using the page controls at the bottom of a list.

Default user language

  1. Click EDIT.
  2. The DEFAULT LANGUAGE dialog box appears.
  3. Select a language from the list.
  4. Click SAVE.
  1. Click SAVE.