BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a publishing job > Configuring the rendering options > Configuring rendering option properties

Configuring rendering option properties

For most publishing jobs, the basic options of the rendering profile that is assigned to the job are sufficient. When they are not sufficient, rendering option properties can be configured. These are properties of the source documents that contain the values for the rendering options. By setting the rendering options using document property values, the settings are independent of the rendering profiles that are used to generate the renditions and the settings can be specific to each document.

Note    We recommend that you use the properties in the Rendition Properties property set for this purpose.

To configure the rendering option properties:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears.
  3. On the menu, click RENDERING. The Rendering page appears.
  4. In the page header, click RENDERING OPTION PROPERTIES. A page that lists the mappable rendering options appears.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Mappable rendering options
Option Description

Page size

If specified, applies the value of the property as the rendition page size. If unspecified, the page size as specified in the rendering profile is used.

To select the property:

  1. Click SELECT. The SELECT PROPERTY dialog box appears and lists all of the available properties.
  2. To filter the list to show only similar property names:

    1. Type the beginning of a property set name or a property name in the filter box. The search operator that will be used is Starts With.
    2. Click the search icon . The list refreshes to show the results of your filter.
    3. To reset the filter results, clear the filter box and click the icon again.
  3. Click the name of the property that you want to use and then click OK. The selected name appears as the option value.

To remove the current property:

  • Click CLEAR. The property name is removed.

For acceptable page size property values, see Page size names.

Page orientation

If specified, applies the value of the property as the rendition page orientation. If unspecified, the page orientation as specified in the rendering profile is used.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding topic.

The orientation values in the selected property can be Portrait, Landscape, P, L, or empty (default orientation). Valid values must match those in the localized language. If an invalid value is encountered, an error message will appear in the publishing log.

From view

If specified, applies the value of the property as the views to render. If unspecified, the default view is used.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding topic.

The supported property values are:

  • All Paperspace Views (all views except model space)
  • All Views
  • Current Views
  • A page layout number.
  • A page layout number range specified as <StartNumber>;<EndNumber>.

Rendition color

If specified, applies the value of the property as the color depth to render. If unspecified, all colors will be rendered in the output.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding topic.

The supported property values are:

  • Color
  • Any other value will render all colors as black (monochrome)

Pen style

If specified, applies the value of the property as the pen table name with which to render. If unspecified, the default pen table will be used.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding topic.


If specified, applies the value of the property as the name of an AutoLISP function to plot the source drawing. If unspecified, the function name specified in the rendering profile will be used.For help creating the AutoLISP function, see Configuring an AutoLISP plotting command.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding topic.

  1. Click SAVE.

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