BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a publishing job > Configuring the notification options

Configuring the notification options

Email notification options can be used to alert stakeholders when the job succeeds or fails. The recipients must have an email address specified for their BlueCielo user account as described in Creating and editing user accounts.

To configure the notification options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears.
  3. On the menu, click OPTIONS. The Options page appears.
  4. In the NOTIFICATION group, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Notification options
Option Description

Notify when the job completed successfully

Sends a status message to the notification recipients when the publishing job succeeds.

Notify when the job failed

Sends a status message to the notification recipients when the publishing job fails. If the Number of retries if publishing fails option is specified as described in Configuring the publishing options, one message is sent only if the retries fail. If the option is not configured, one message is sent for each document failure.

Notify submitter

Besides the persons specified for Notification recipients, sends a status message to the person who submitted the document for publishing. The message that is sent depends on the setting of the other notification options (job success or failure).


Lists the primary notification recipients.

To configure the list:

  1. Click CHANGE. The CONFIGURE RECIPIENTS dialog box appears.
  2. Manually edit the list or click Add recipients. The ADD MEMBERS dialog box appears and lists the current BlueCielo user accounts.
  3. Select the users that you want to add and click OK. The users' names appear in the Recipients list.

CC recipients

Lists the secondary notification recipients.

To configure the list, perform the preceding steps.

  1. Click Save.

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