BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About rendering profiles > Creating and editing a rendering profile > Configuring the Inventor rendering module options

Configuring the Inventor rendering module options

The Inventor rendering options specify which drawing layouts to render and to which format in the destination system.

To configure the Inventor rendering options:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Rendering Profiles. The All Rendering Profiles page appears and lists the existing profiles grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they are assigned.

  2. Double-click the rendering profile that you want to configure. The Inventor rendering options page appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

Inventor rendering options
Option Description

General group


The name of the rendering profile as seen in Configurator.


The name of the Publisher cluster node on which to run this job.

Input extensions

The quantity of source file extensions to be rendered by this module.

To select extensions:

  1. Click Configure. The INPUT EXTENSIONS dialog box appears and lists the supported file extensions.
  2. Select the file extensions that you want to be rendered.
  3. Click OK. The quantity is refreshed to reflect your selections.
  1. For each of the Inventor file types, click the corresponding tab and then click options or type values for that file type using the descriptions in the following table. Not all options are supported for all output file formats.
Inventor rendering options
Option Description

Output group

Output file format

The output file format to which to render the selected Inventor file type.

Publish mode group


The amount of data to render from the source document depending on the Inventor file type:


  • Express – Renders the current view of the document. Does not render bill of materials data, design views, or positional representations.
  • Complete – Renders the full content of the file. Renders all enabled bill of materials data, all design views, and all positional representations.


  • Express – Renders only the active sheet without the 3D model.
  • Complete – Renders all sheets and all 3D models except sheets excluded from printing.

Part, Sheet Metal Part, iPart, iAssembly:

  • Express – Renders the current view of the document.
  • Complete – Renders the full content of the file.


  • Express – Renders the static exploded views. Does not render bill of materials data, design views, or positional representations. All unsaved working changes including the current camera position render to the DWF file. Components invisible in Autodesk Inventor render and are shown in the DWF model palette as hidden.
  • Complete – The rendered DWF file contains all presentation views (including animations and assembly instructions) and the associated Autodesk Inventor assembly, along with its design views, positional representations, and BOM.

Note    Only the active level of detail representations are rendered.

Custom – The options correspond to the Autodesk Inventor Export command options. The tabs that appear correspond to the current Source document type option. For more information about the options on the tabs, refer to the Autodesk Inventor documentation.

General group

Enable measure

Enables the Measure tool in the output file.

Enable printing

Enables printing the output file.

Enable markups

Enables markup of the output file.

Enable markups editing

Enables markup editing in the output file.

Create 2D snapshot

Creates a 2D file from a 3D model. Available for DWF output only.
Image size group


Type a size for the output image width (in pixels).


Type a size for the output image height (in pixels).
Printer group

Printer name

Select a printer name from the list of available printers and then select a color depth for the rendition, either Gray scale or Color. The printer driver must not show any interactive dialog boxes during printing, for example, Save As to save the printer driver output as a disk file. If the driver does show a dialog box, the Inventor rendering module cannot detect it and respond accordingly. Such a printer driver cannot be used with the Inventor rendering module. Test all printer drivers thoroughly to determine their compatibility.

Output file extension

Type a valid file extension to assign to the output file.

Page setup group

Use job advanced rendering settings

Select this option if the page size and orientation are stored as property values for the source documents and the corresponding options are selected as described in Configuring rendering option properties. If those options are not selected, select default values from Paper size and Orientation.

Defaults if job advanced rendering settings cannot be matched

Select this option to configure a default page size and orientation if the values that are retrieved as described in Configuring rendering option properties are missing or do not match those provided by the operating system. For acceptable page size property values, see Page size names.

Paper size

Select a page size for the output file.


Select an orientation for the output file.

Sheet range group

Sheet range

Select which drawing sheets to render. To render only a range of sheets, select Sheets in range and then type the sheet numbers in the text boxes.

Excluded sheets

Enable this option to render all sheets except those specified in Sheets in range.

Include 3D model

Generates a 3D file if the model is 3D. Available for DWF output only.

Include sheet table

Generates a cover sheet that lists the sheets that were generated.

Override sheet color

Select a color for the sheet background to override the default output color.
Settings group

All colors as black

If enabled, renders all colors in the source drawing to black in the output file.

Remove object line weight

Renders all line weights in the source drawing to the same weight in the output file.

Scale group


Select an option to specify the scale of the output on the page using the following descriptions.

  • Model 1:1 – You may enable the Tiling enabled option that specifies that large drawings can be tiled for printing on multiple pages. Registration marks are printed on page corners to help align the printed pages. Page identifiers contain the drawing and sheet name and a table cell number helps to keep pages in order.
  • Best fitThe drawing will be scaled to fit the selected page size and orientation.
  • CustomType a scale ratio in the text box.
  • Current windowThe last saved view in the drawing will be scaled to fit the page size and orientation.
  1. In the app bar, click SAVE.

Related concepts

Understanding the Inventor rendering module

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