BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring a publishing job > About post-rendition processing > Configuring rendition watermarks

Configuring rendition watermarks

You will typically need to create multiple watermark profiles, if not for separate purposes, then for each rendition page size. Default watermark profiles may also be configured that will be applied to any page size and orientation.

Note    To prevent all watermarks from being applied for specific publishing jobs, specify the _NOPOSTRENDER_ rendering option in the publishing job. For more information about the publishing options, see Publishing and rendering options.

Before you begin

At least one publishing job must first be configured to generate renditions as described in Creating and editing a rendering profile.

To create or edit a watermark profile:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears.
  3. On the menu, click POST RENDERING. The Post Rendering page appears and lists the current watermark profiles.

  4. Confirm that the Enable checkbox is selected. Clear Enable to disable all watermarks in one step. To disable a specific watermark type, clear the Enable option in the properties of the watermark type.
  5. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. Not all options are required for every watermark type.
Watermark options
Option Description

GENERAL options


A descriptive name for the watermark profile. The default is the type of watermark.


Select the rendition page size to which this watermark profile will be applied. The sizes that are available are provided by the operating system. If no size or Orientation are set, this watermark profile will be considered as a default watermark profile. It will be applied to all renditions that are created by the current publishing job unless another watermark profile specifies a matching rendition page size.


Select the rendition page orientation to which this watermark profile will be applied. If no orientation or Size are selected, this watermark profile will be considered as a default watermark profile. It will be applied to all renditions that are created by the current publishing job unless another watermark profile specifies a matching rendition page orientation.


Enables the selected watermark type for the current watermark profile. You may also enable and disable watermark types in the watermark profiles list.


Apply watermark

Select Always if the watermark should be applied under all conditions.

Select Property name to make the watermark dependent upon a source document property value.

To select the property:

  1. Click SELECT. The SELECT PROPERTY dialog box appears and lists all of the available properties.
  2. To filter the list to show only similar property names:

    1. Type the beginning of a property set name or a property name in the filter box. The search operator that will be used is Starts With.
    2. Click the search icon . The list refreshes to show the results of your filter.
    3. To reset the filter results, clear the filter box and click the icon again.
  3. Click the name of the property that you want to use and then click OK. The selected name appears as the option value.

To remove the current property:

  • Click CLEAR. The property name is removed.

Property name

The name of the property that determines when this watermark will be applied.


The value that the selected property must equal for the watermark to be applied.


Javascript file

The name of a JavaScript for Acrobat file to calculate the watermark text. Available only for the print stamp watermark type.

Accept the default, which is an example installed by the Meridian Enterprise Server setup program or click SELECT and follow the instructions in Managing custom resources to upload a different file. The script will be executed on the Acrobat Will Print event before the document is printed.

You can modify the example file PrintStamp.js or use it as a template to create variations for other purposes. The example generates text that will be placed in the stamp field named PrintStamp:

var f = this.getField("Today");
var strEffective = "Print is valid for that current \
day only and accurate as of approval";
var strPath = this.path;
var strFixedPath = strPath.toUpperCase();
var strSearch = ",D-";
var strExtSearch =".PDF";
var strStatus="Current Status: " + + 
"; " + strEffective;
var strDate = "Printed on " + util.printd(2, new Date());
if (strFixedPath.match(strSearch)==null){
this.getField("PrintStamp").value = strDate + 
"Current Status: Uncontrolled Copy";}else{
this.getField("PrintStamp").value = strDate + strStatus;}

For more information about JavaScript for Acrobat and the Will Print event, see Perk up PDF documents with JavaScript.

Stamp field name

This option is only available for the print stamp watermark type. The name of the form field that will be added to the rendition PDF files. Accept the default name or type a different name. This field will receive the text calculated by the JavaScript file.

TEXT group

Use this text

Select to apply the text that you type in the text box for this watermark.

Use property value from source document

Select to apply the value of the selected property as the watermark text.

NEW Note    Date/time property values are rendered in the local server format.

To select the property, perform the steps listed for the SELECT command in the preceding option.

Use this image file

Select to apply the specified image as the watermark.

To select an image:

  1. Click SELECT. The RESOURCES dialog box appears and lists the custom resources that have already been uploaded to the server.
  2. Select an existing image or upload a new image as described in Managing custom resources.

Use this template file

The name of an HTML file that defines the text and images to overlay on the rendition. Accept the default, which is an example installed by the Meridian Enterprise Server setup program or click SELECT and an existing file or upload a different file as described in Managing custom resources.

Note    This template is not the same as the template that is described in Creating a signature page template, but is created in the same way. If the Paper size option is configured, then the template will be rendered to that size, otherwise the A4 page size will be used.

Non-ANSI support

Enable this option if the watermark text uses non-ANSI characters. The text itself will be rendered to an image that is then placed on the rendition similar to the Use this image file option.


Font name

The name of the font in which to render the watermark text.

Font size

The size of the font in which to render the watermark text.

Font color

Select a color from the color picker in which to render the watermark text.


Renders the watermark in bold text .


Renders the watermark in italic text .


The horizontal alignment of the watermark text on the page.


Modes that render the watermark text with special effects:

  • Normal – text characters filled with the selected font color
  • Outlined – text characters outlined in black with no fill
  • Normal with a border – text characters filled with the selected font color and outlined in black
  • Invisible – text with no fill or outline


The clockwise angle at which to render the watermark text on the page.

Use exact location

Enable this option to specify precise coordinates for the origin of the watermark on the page.

X and Y

Type numbers in the text boxes to specify the lower left corner of the watermark text on the rendition page. The values are relative to the standard coordinate system with the origin in the lower left corner of the rendition page. For template-generated watermarks, start with no offset (0,0). The page size is specified as described in Creating and editing a rendering profile. If no page size is configured, the A4 page size is assumed.

Tip    An A4 size page has a width (X) of 595 points and height (Y) of 842 points. One point is equal to 1/72 of an inch.

If the Use this template file or Use this image file options are enabled, the insertion point of these watermarks is the upper left corner of the watermark as opposed to the origin of the rendition page in the lower left corner. Therefore, specify the number of points to offset the location from the lower left corner of the rendition page in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.

Size X and Size Y

When the Use this image file option is enabled, specify here the number of points for each dimension of the image watermark.

Use location on page

Enable this option to select a general location on the page as the origin of the watermark and then select the location from the list.


Specify how transparent to render the watermark.

Place in the background

If enabled, renders the image watermark behind the document rendition. If disabled (default), it is rendered on top of the rendition.

Note    The Prior Revision watermark type is only applied if the publishing job is a Rendition type. Other source systems are not supported by this type.

  1. Repeat step 5 for each watermark type that you want to configure for this watermark profile.
  2. Click OK. The new watermark profile name appears in the list.
  3. Click SAVE.
  4. If you created a Prior Revision type watermark and the publishing job is a Rendition type:
  5. Click SAVE.

To copy a watermark profile:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears where you can configure the source and destination systems.
  3. On the menu, click POST RENDERING. The Post Rendering page appears and lists the current watermark profiles.
  4. Select the row of the watermark profile that you want to copy and then click Copy. The watermark profile is copied.

To delete a watermark profile:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Configurator, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears where you can configure the source and destination systems.
  3. On the menu, click POST RENDERING. The Post Rendering page appears and lists the current watermark profiles.
  4. In the row of the watermark profile that you want to delete, click the Remove icon . The watermark profile is deleted.

Related concepts

About post-rendition processing

Related tasks

Configuring signature pages

Creating a signature page template

Configuring rendition merging options

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