You are here: Installing Meridian Email Manager

Installing Meridian Email Manager

The Meridian Email Manager is installed separate from the Meridian Enterprise server components. It also requires a separate license that is available from BlueCielo ECM Solutions or a Certified Partner. To install the license, see the BlueCielo Meridian Email Manager Administrator's Guide.

To install Email Manager:

  1. Download the distribution package and extract its contents to a temporary location.
  2. Run setup.exe or open BCEmailManagerSetup.msi. The BlueCielo Email Manager Setup Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next. The Select Installation Folder page appears.
  4. Click Browse and select a folder or accept the default and then click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears.
  5. Click Next. The Installing BlueCieloEmail Manager page appears and shows the installation progress until it is finished. Then the Installation Complete page appears.
  6. Click Close.

Related concepts

Configuring the Meridian Email Manager

Related tasks

Specifying destination vault options

Specifying mail server options

Specifying how messages are processed

Specifying which messages are imported

Embedding property values in messages

Specifying message tags

Specifying property mappings

Assigning values to properties

Categorizing imported email

Specifying message categories

Sending status notifications