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Categorizing imported email

The Meridian Email Manager can scan the subject and body of messages for keywords and, based on its configuration, assign one or more categories to a Meridian Enterprise property for each imported message. This property can be used to categorize messages into folders created by the vault’s Field-Path definition or defined as a level in a navigation view. If no matches are found for the keywords, the messages will be stored in the default folder specified by the Imported messages folder option described in Specifying destination vault options.

The property to assign the category value to is specified on the Property Mapping page in BCEmailManagerConfigurator as the value of the Vault Property option described in Specifying property mappings. This property name should be fully qualified. That is, it should contain the property set name and the property name in the form <PropertySet.PropertyName>, for example, Correspondence.Categories. The keywords to search for are specified on the Keywords page in the Keywords column described in Specifying message categories. The category value to assign to messages wherein the keywords are found are typed in the Category column.

A keyword entry can be as simple as a single word or phrase, or it can be a number of words joined by AND or OR operators. If the Use advanced search option is cleared, a keyword entry should be a single word or phrase, for example, project status report. If Use advanced search is enabled, individual words may be joined by AND or OR operators, for example, drawing AND (change OR update).

Note    The query operators AND and OR must be typed in uppercase only.

The Category value for each Keywords entry should be one or more category values separated by semicolons to assign to the property specified by Vault Property if the keywords are found, for example, Project.

In the advanced search example above, email messages with the words “drawing,” “drawing change,” or “drawing update” in their Subject or Body fields will be assigned the value of Project in the Correspondence.Categories property. And if the property Correspondence.Categories is assigned in the Field-Path definition, a new folder named Project will be created to store these messages and their attachments.

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Configuring the Meridian Email Manager

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Specifying destination vault options

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Specifying how messages are processed

Specifying which messages are imported

Embedding property values in messages

Specifying message tags

Specifying property mappings

Assigning values to properties

Specifying message categories

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