BlueCielo Meridian Email Manager 2013 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Importing email messages

Importing email messages

After the Meridian Email Manager has been configured as described in Configuring the Meridian Email Manager, importing messages is as simple as running the Meridian Email Manager program whenever you want to import new messages:

To run the Meridian Email Manager program:

  1. Run the program BCEmailManager.exe. By default, the file is located in the folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\BCEmailManager. The program will attempt to import email messages into the specified vault using the current configuration settings.

Warning    Do not run more than one copy of BCEmailManager.exe simultaneously, neither to archive from several mailboxes to one vault nor to archive from one mailbox to several vaults.

Tip    Create a scheduled task in Windows on the Meridian Enterprise server to run BCEmailManager.exe nightly, coordinating its run time with the other scheduled tasks on the server so that they do not degrade each other’s performance.

Related concepts

About the Meridian Email Manager

Related tasks

Preparing the vault for email import

Configuring user name mapping

Configuring the Meridian Email Manager

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