BlueCielo Meridian Email Manager 2013 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian Email Manager

About the Meridian Email Manager

Meridian Email Manager can be configured to automatically import email messages and their attachments from an Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) compatible email server. This can be very valuable for retaining electronic business correspondence. Email can be stored in folders along with other engineering content, even in folders controlled by the Field-Path definition, or stored in its own folders for greater organization and security. After email import has been configured by a system administrator, it requires very little effort on the part of users. All they need to do is use any of the configured keywords you have configured in their message subjects or message bodies or use any of the email addresses you’ve configured in the FROM, TO, or CC address fields of their outgoing messages.

Email import into a vault is performed by the Meridian Email Manager program. The program needs to be executed on the Meridian Enterprise server (or on another computer with access to the Meridian Enterprise server) on a regular basis as a scheduled task, similar to the Prepare for Backup, Recovery Log, and Create Content Index tasks.

Installation and configuration of Email Manager is described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Preparing the vault for email import

Configuring user name mapping

Configuring the Meridian Email Manager

Importing email messages

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