Assigning property values in a workflow state

Assigning property values in a workflow state

Each state in a workflow can assign or change property values when projectsdocuments are routed to that state. Property assignments can be useful for establishing defaults, due dates, and other metrics that depend on the workflow state itself.

To assign property values in a workflow state:

  1. In Configurator, expand ProjectWorkflow Definitions in the configuration tree and select the workflow definition you want to edit. Its property pages appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the States tab to display the current workflow.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the workflow.
  4. Double-click the state that you want to edit. The state’s Properties page appears.
  5. Click the Property Assignments tab. The current property assignments appear.
  6. Use the Add, Remove, and Remove All buttons to configure the options described in the following table.
Workflow definition state property assignment options
Option Description


Select a property to assign a value when this state is achieved.


Type a new value to assign to the property when this state is achieved.

  • Double-click any cell to display the Property list for the next available property assignment.
  • You will also find the Remove and Remove All commands on the shortcut menu that is shown by right-clicking a property assignment.

    Note    Clearing the check box next to a property name is equivalent to clicking the Remove button. The assignment will be removed when you click the OK button.

  1. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog box.
  2. Click the OK button to save your changes.

Note    Property assignments configured on workflow transitions override any property assignments configured on workflow states for the same property. For example, assume that a transition named Release routes to a state named Issued. If both the transition and the state are configured to assign different values to the same property, the property assignment on the Release transition prevails over the property assignment on the Issued state.