You are here: Creating a project workflow > Creating and editing transitions > Configuring transition visibility

Configuring transition visibility

Not all workflow transitions may be applicable for all documents, current property values, or other conditions. The Visibility page contains options that control when a transition is visible for users to select.

To configure transition visibility:

  1. In Configurator, expand Workflow Definitions in the configuration tree and select the workflow definition you want to edit. Its property pages appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the States tab to display the current workflow.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the workflow.
  4. Double-click the transition the transition that you want to configure. The transition’s Properties page appears.
  5. On the Visibility tab, click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Workflow definition transition visibility options
Option Description

Apply the following filters to show the transition

Select this option to configure property value conditions that must be met to show the transition. This dialog box works the same way as the Property Filter page in the Find dialog of the (Undefined variable: BlueCielo Variables.DesktopApp) client application:

  1. Click the Add button to add a property value condition. Enable Show system properties to show the system properties in the Property list in addition to the custom properties.

Tip    Double-click any cell to create a new condition using the default options.

  1. In the Match Scope column, select either selected document or Never.
  2. In the Property column, select the property to be evaluated.
  3. In the Condition column, select the condition to evaluate.
  4. In the Value column, type the value to evaluate.
  5. To remove a condition, select it and click Remove or clear its check box.

Note    Clearing the check box next to a condition Name has the same effect as clicking the Remove button. The condition is removed when you click the OK button.

  1. To remove all current conditions, click Remove All.

Tip    You will also find the Remove and Remove All commands on the shortcut menu shown by right-clicking a condition.

Select All of these criteria if all (Boolean AND operation) of the property value conditions must be met for the transition to be shown. Select Any of these criteria (Boolean OR operation) if all of the property value conditions must be met for the transition to be shown.

  1. Click the OK button to close the Properties dialog.
  2. Click the OK button to save your changes.

Note    The options configured on this page are evaluated together with the options configured on the Authorization page to determine the effective visibility of a transition. For more information about transition visibility options, see Configuring transition authorization.