Configuring workflow state general properties

Each state in a workflow represents one phase within a project where different work with the project’s documents is performed by others. The work could be authoring, reviews, approvals, implementation, or any necessary work. You decide what the work is, who should perform it, where in the workflow it should be performed, and what happens in the workflow as a result.

To configure the general properties of a workflow state:

  1. Select the project definition in the left pane of Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
  2. Click the States tab in the right pane. The workflow displays in the right pane.
  3. Click the Edit button to enable modification of the project definition.
  4. Double-click the state you want to edit. The Properties dialog for the state appears as shown in the following figures. The options available for a state depend upon the type of state it is: initial state, intermediate state, or end state.

    The following figure shows an initial state.

The following figure shows an intermediate state.

The following figure shows an end state.

  1. Type information on the General tab for the options described in the following table.
General options
Option Description

Display Name

The editable name of the workflow state as seen by users. Required.


The permanent internal name of the workflow state. Required.


The color of the state symbol in the workflow diagram. Required.

Consensus Transition

A list of outgoing transitions from the selected state from which to choose one transition to follow when an approval consensus of the workflow’s managers is obtained. Meaningful only if the Allow multiple Managers option (below) is enabled. Optional.

Allow multiple Managers

Controls whether or not the workflow can have multiple managers assigned. If this option is enabled, an approval consensus of all managers is required for the workflow to proceed through the transition selected for the Consensus Transition option (above) to the next state. Optional.


Configurable text to display as the workflow status when in this state. Optional.

To-do action

Configurable text to display as the task to be performed by the current To Do Person when in this state. Optional.

Comments can be skipped

Controls whether the user can choose to not type comments when the workflow is routed to this state.

  1. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.
  2. Click the OK button on the States tab to save your changes.

This completes the configuration of the general properties of a workflow state. You can now continue to configure the workflow in any of the following topics.

Related concepts

Creating a project workflow

Related tasks

Creating workflow state property assignments

Configuring workflow transition general properties

Creating a workflow transition condition

Applying an interlock to a workflow transition 

Creating a workflow transition property assignment

Configuring workflow transition wizard pages

Understanding transition equivalence