You are here: Appendix B: VBScript reference > About the event procedures > About the document project copy events

About the document project copy events

The document project copy events occur when documents created as project copies are modified of using the various Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module commands. Like other document events, these events also receive a Batch object. For more information about the Batch object, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference.

The events that occur for the document project copy commands (in alphabetical order) are shown in the following lists in the sequence that they occur.

Create Project Copy event sequence

Confirm Merged with Master event sequence

Confirm Superseded by Master event sequence

Discard from Project event sequence

Link to Master event sequence

Release as Master Revision event sequence

  1. Occurs only if the master document does not yet exist.
  2. Occurs only if a parent folder has not yet been specified.
  3. Occurs only if an expression is configured for the Calculate file name option of the document type.
  4. Occurs only if the project copy has been modified.

Each of the document project copy event procedures is described in the following topics.

Related information

DocProjectCopyEvent_*ReleaseToMaster events

DocProjectCopyEvent_BeforeMasterUpdate event

DocProjectCopyEvent_AfterMasterUpdate event

DocProjectCopyEvent_BeforeUnlinkFromMaster event

DocProjectCopyEvent_AfterUnlinkFromMaster event

DocProjectCopyEvent_*DiscardFromProject events

DocProjectCopyEvent_*ConfirmMerged events

DocProjectCopyEvent_*ConfirmSuperseded events

DocProjectCopyEvent_BeforeLinkToMaster event

DocProjectCopyEvent_AfterLinkToMaster event

DocProjectCopyEvent_*UndoMakeObsolete events

DocProjectCopyEvent_*RequireMerge events