BlueCielo Meridian Advanced Project Workflow Module 2013 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Creating a project workflow > Applying an interlock to a workflow transition

Applying an interlock to a workflow transition 

Workflow transition interlocks control whether or not a particular workflow transition is visible for execution. Interlocks are created independently of the project definition’s workflow, but are applied by name to the transitions to which the interlocks should apply.

To apply a workflow transition interlock:

  1. We recommend that you create the necessary interlocks first. See Configuring interlocks,
  2. Select the desired project definition in the configuration tree in the left pane of Meridian Enterprise Configurator.
  3. Click the States tab in the right pane. The current workflow diagram displays in the right pane.
  4. Click the Edit button to enable modification of the project definition.
  5. Double-click the transition you want to edit. The Properties dialog for the transition appears.
  6. Click the Interlocks tab. The interlocks for the transition display as shown in the following figure.

  1. Enable the check boxes for your desired options and use the Add, Remove, and Remove All buttons to configure the options on the Interlocks tab from the descriptions in the following table.
Interlocks options
Option Description

All of these Interlocks 

Requires that all listed interlock conditions be met. Equivalent to applying the Boolean AND operator to the interlocks.

Any of these Interlocks

Requires that at least one of the listed interlock conditions be met. Equivalent to applying the Boolean OR operator to the interlocks.


Type the internal name of an existing interlock listed on the Interlocks tab of the project definition. See Configuring interlocks,


Choose from Parent Project, Current Project, or Topmost Project

Default Result

Choose from True or False to specify that the transition should be visible (True) or invisible (False) for a project folder in the position configured for the Location criterion in a project/sub-project hierarchy. 

Tip    Double-click any cell to create a new interlock using the default conditions.

Tip    You will also find the Remove and Remove All commands on the context menu by right-clicking an interlock condition.

Note    Clearing the checkbox next to a condition’s Name is equivalent to clicking the Remove button. The condition will be removed when the OK button is clicked.

  1. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.
  2. Click the OK button on the States tab to save your changes.

This completes the creation of the interlock conditions of a workflow transition. You can now continue to configure the workflow in any of the following topics.

Related concepts

Understanding interlocks

Creating a project workflow

Related tasks

Configuring interlocks

Creating a project workflow interlock

Creating a document workflow interlock

Configuring workflow state general properties

Creating workflow state property assignments

Configuring workflow transition general properties

Creating a workflow transition condition

Creating a workflow transition property assignment

Configuring workflow transition wizard pages

Understanding transition equivalence

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