BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2018 Administrator's Guide
Running an export from a command line
Run Meridian Asset Management SAP Connector from a command line when you want to:
- Test command line parameter values for use in a batch file or scheduled task
- Include an export in a batch file with other commands like running the Asset Management Module tag synchronization tools
- Schedule an export to occur automatically on a periodic basis to maintain synchronization of a Meridian Enterprise vault with SAP Plant Maintenance. The command line can be used in Windows Task Scheduler.
"<Path>\BlueCieloECM.SAPInfoConnector.exe" "<ConfigurationFilePath>" "[<OutputFilePath>]"
By default, the SAP Connector files are installed in C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program\SAP AMM Connector.
If <OutputFilePath> is omitted and is not specified in the configuration file, a default file name is assigned (for example, flocs_and_equi_since_00010101_at_2015-09-04-13-20-17.mdb), and the file is stored in C:\Temp.
The Import in progress dialog box appears on screen during processing similar to when the tool is run interactively as described in Running and stopping an export interactively.
When the tool exits normally, it sets the ERRORLEVEL environment variable to 0 if the export finished without errors or to 1 if the exported failed. Your batch file can test the returned value and act accordingly.