If the tags in a vault are organized in a folder structure that reflects a plant breakdown structure (PBS) and if the tags in each folder are typically related to the same document, it might be more efficient to manage the links between the tags and the document using the tags' parent folder. The Asset Management Module supports implicitly linking a document to all of the tags that reside in the same folder. This feature requires that the vault be properly configured by a system administrator.
The Asset Management Module provides this functionality through a main tag that resides in any folder that contains other tags. You manually link the main tag to the document (that typically resides elsewhere in the vault) that you also want to be linked to the other tags that reside in the same folder with the main tag. The main tag acts in the place of the folder in the relationships with the tags. This is because references are not supported for folders in Meridian Enterprise. Then, when you add or remove tags from the folder, they are assumed by the Asset Management Module to also be linked to the document. No literal references exist between the normal tags and the document. It is only by the association of the normal tags with the parent folder that the references are implied.
The reverse is also possible. That is, linking a tag to all of the documents that reside in the same folder. This scenario is supported by the presence of a special proxy document in a folder that contains other documents. The proxy document does not necessarily need to be an actual document. For example, it can be a virtual document that is not actually part of the set of other documents in the same folder.
Working with main tags and proxy documents is described in the following topics.