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Working in AutoCAD P&ID

A special link for AutoCAD P&ID can be configured to load in AutoCAD P&ID as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module Administrator's Guide. It makes additional commands available to you besides those in the base AutoCAD P&ID link. The synchronization commands are designed to work specifically with the tags created by AutoCAD P&ID when they are linked to tag tags in the Asset Management Module.

AutoCAD P&ID commands
Command Description

Folder Structure

Creates missing sub-folders in the (local or shared) workspace location to match the folder structure of the project in the vault.

Tags Dialog

Opens the Tags dialog box so that you can view the status of the drawing tags as described in Viewing asset tags.

Update Drawing

Synchronizes the tags in the drawing from the corresponding asset tags in the vault. The tag properties must be mapped to Meridian Enterprise properties by a system administrator.

Update Vault

Synchronizes the asset tags in the vault from the corresponding tags in the drawing. The tag properties must be mapped to Meridian Enterprise properties by a system administrator.